The Story
The dream of our family has always been to take Barolo all around the world. At the beginning of the '900 Andrea Burlotto has begun to make it real with a passion for the vineyard and the Barolo that was sold in Piedmont and in the North of Italy. In the early decades of the century thanks to his work our roots are bound more and more to the territory of Verduno area suited for the production of Barolo. Four children have followed him in this adventure: Gian Carlo, Francesco, Giacomo e Sergio. We continue to believe in this precious fruit of the Langa, which comes from the Crü Massara, located in the Commune of Verduno, one of the best crü in the Barolo district.
In the 1970s Gian Carlo Burlotto specializes in work in the cellar, while the brothers follow the vineyards. We start to make wine under the name Andrea Burlotto. Thanks to their work, our Barolo continues to play an essential role in fairs, tasting events and in the new international markets.
Our winery today: in 2013 Gian Carlo Burlotto purchased the cellar and several vineyards, with his son Gianluca he has continued the story of the family with the brand Cascina Massara, an emblematic name with a strong tie to the Barolo wine.