Stephane & Sandrine Briday
The Story
Stéphane Briday is not someone who hides his enthusiasm.
He could have been the tour guide for his region. His childhood followed the rhythm of the harvest, with vines to be pruned or disbudded. He was only 11 years old when his father embarked on the adventure: to create a family estate, to have his own label and to forge a strong bond with his customers. The estate has certainly come a long way since then. The 6.5 hectares has expanded to fifteen but the early sparks of enthusiasm have not been extinguished. On the contrary, the new generation have gone beyond just maintaining it. "I take a lot of pleasure in my work. I am 200% a winemaker," Stéphane Briday continues.
In 1988, the young man joined his father at the estate after some experience in the wine trade. Ever since then, he has been pacing up and down surveying his vines, closely watching his vats and casks, in an ongoing quest for quality. To know his plots, his "Climats" as the terroirs in Burgundy are called, means observing, "having your nose right in the foliage" and that is the motto of a true winemaker, Stéphane Briday summarises. "Wine is made in the vines," as the sages of the region are wont to say.
For Sandrine and Stéphane Briday living with its terroirs means respecting nature above all else. Each intervention is carefully considered in order to encourage balance of the planting as much as possible in its environment. They want to guarantee this approach to their customers through the Terra Vitis certification, where application of specifications is controlled by an independent body.
The wines of the estate combine purity and delicacy for whites, well-structured and gourmand for reds. The 11 vintages of the estate, in regional, village or premier cru appellations, each have their secrets and beguile our senses into the magic of the great terroirs of Burgundy.
Our history
The 12 key dates that have led to the Michel Briday estate now being among the gold standard bearers in Burgundy and the Côte Chalonnaise in particular.
1976: Michel and Lucette Briday decide to rent 6 hectares of vineyards. Michel Briday was then head of cultivation in a large vineyard in Rully and actively participated in the renaissance of the appellation. It was also his first confrontations with the more difficult aspects of the trade such as hailstones on the 8th of August. The harvest would be almost nil ... Nevertheless, from the very start, the decision was taken to bottle the estate's wines.
1977: This is the first real vintage and first reward. The Rully La Pucelle (future premier cru in 1988) is awarded a gold medal at the Concours Général Agricole in Paris.
1983-1984: Stéphane Briday works at the estate for a year with his father. This is the real catalyst. Wine and vines become his passion.
1988: After several work experiences outside of Burgundy, Stéphane Briday joins the family estate to work with his parents. The operation had developed in the meantime, making this possible.
1989: The Briday family takes over the operation of a land parcel of Mercurey premier cru Clos Marcilly. Although the estate is very predominantly located in Rully, it has always cultivated vines in the neighbouring village of Mercurey.
1996: The estate becomes an owner of vines for the first time with the purchase of 93 acres of white Rully La Crée.
2000: Sandrine, Stéphane's wife joins her husband at the estate.
2004: Revival of vines in Bouzeron, neighbouring village of Rully. This same vintage, Stéphane's 8-year-old daughter prefers to help her father in the cellar rather than take part in activities more suited to her age. In the blink of an eye, the Bouzeron is named "Axelle".
2008: The estate becomes a buyer for the first time at the Hospices de Beaune during the famous charity auction. It acquires a cask of Beaune premier cru "Brunet".
2012 et 2013: The estate becomes the owner of the land parcels of Pucelle (0.5 ha) and Grésigny (0.73 ha) which it used to rent. It also buys 0.68 ha of white Rully vines.
2014: The estate is certified Terra Vitis, a sustainable-development label, controlled by an independent body.
2014: Purchase of Mercurey white and Burgundy red vines. The estate now extends over 15 hectares.